Helping women say goodbye for good to leakage, constipation, and pain with sex so they can do what they love without hesitation and with exceptional confidence.

…and she lived triumphantly ever after.

Check out our success stories! Ready to start yours?

how pelvic floor therapy can change your life.

  • prevent.

    Lower risk of tearing, prolapse, diastasis recti, and leakage by starting pelvic floor therapy during pregnancy, before the 6 week follow-up, or as soon as you feel ready to prioritize your pelvic health after birth. Learn how to incorporate happy pelvis habits into your day for a lifetime of pelvic health without kegels.

  • thrive.

    Leakage and pain are no longer symptoms we should be expected to just live with. Sneezing and working out without leakage is achievable! Sex without pain and with pleasure is possible! Keep doing the things you love without having to think twice about what might happen down there.

  • restore.

    It does not matter how long you have been experiencing leakage, pressure, or pain - there is no wrong time for pelvic floor therapy! Re-establish whole-body coordination and mind-body connection for a life without hesitation. Confidence you never knew you could have again is right around the corner.

What does pelvic floor therapy treat?

Bladder & Bowel

  • -leakage with jump, sneeze, running

    -not making it to the tolet in time

    -peeing throughout the night

    -urinary frequency more than evey 2 hours

    -straining with bowel movements

    -inconsistent bowels

    -painful voids

    -feeling of incomplete bladder or bowel emptying

    -fecal smearing

  • -stress urinary incontinence

    -urge urinary incontinence


    -overactive bladder


    -fecal incontinence

    -Intersticial Cystitis


Prolapse & Pain

  • -heaviness or pressure

    -feeling of a “bulge” at vagina

    -feeling of incomplete bladder or bowel emptying

    -back or hip pain

    -pain with sexual participation

    -pain or sensitivity around the vulva

    -pain with penetration

    -pain or inability to insert desired menstrual products (tampons, discs, cup)

  • -Cyctocele







Pregnancy & Postpartum

  • -urinary leakage, urgency, or frequency

    -infrequent or hard bowel movements, straining with bowel movements

    -pelvic, hip, or back pain

  • -Symphasis Pubic Dysfunction


    -Sacroiliac Joint Pain

    -Stress Urinary Incontinence


  • -core strengthening

    -pelvic floor coordination

    -ergonomic movement training

What makes Triumph different?

Logan Shuttleworth, MSOT, OTR/L, PCES

Occupational Therapist & Owner of Triumph Pelvic Health

Not your average clinic…

  • Treatment methods that prioritize functional movement, building home programs into your daily activities, and no more kegels.

  • Our mind-body approach address root causes and recognizes the influence of neuroplastic, musculoskeletal, sensory, and daily movement patterns to resolve symptoms for good.

  • A belief in addressing whole-body health which means you will never be doing the same exercises every week, you will never be on the table the whole appointment, and interventions will be planned to address your specific goals.

  • We give you the “why” behind each intervention so you can continue to perform with optimal pelvic floor function as the demand of your life changes over time. You deserve a lifetime of pelvic health without a lifetime of therapy.

  • Private-pay services mean more time and attention with your therapist, no biased treatment based on insurance reimbursement, and care that expands beyond physical rehabilitation.

Schedule a consultation for free.

Ask me anything! Nothing is TMI to a pelvic floor therapist.

Contact Us Today!

I cannot wait to connect and chat all things pelvic health with you! Reach out by filling out the contact form to start your first step toward living triumphantly.

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